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Narosa Publishing House
announce the release of
JUET Research Journal of Science and Technology

ISSN 2321-6026

JUET Research Journal of Science and Technology (JRJST) is a peer reviewed and refereed Journal. It intends to publish research and review papers covering the entire spectrum of Engineering, Science, Mathematics, and Technology. This Journal is an independent publication which aims to provide both online and print versions to scientific, engineering and technological communities with a forum for Scholarly expression and reflection. It will continue to disseminate information on the latest trends and developments in research.

Carrying tradition of benchmark teaching and learning, 'JRJST' from Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna is committed to bring together scientists, researchers, students and academicians from all over the world who work professionally to upgrade status of human society by their ideas and research in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering & technology. The articles that address original research and reviews of both theoretical and experimental aspects are welcome for publication. Submitted papers will be reviewed by prominent experts in their fields.

Editorial Board

Journal Managing Committee
Prof. N. J. Rao, Vice Chancellor
Chief Editor:
Prof. Shishir Kumar
Executive Editor:
Prof. N. N. Dutta
Dr. Sanat Agarwal
Dr. Anuj Kumar
Dr. Nitin Kumar Samaiya
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh
Mr. Mahesh Kumar
Editorial Assistant:
Mr. D.P. Singh
Editorial Advisory Board
Dr. V. P. Saxena, India
Dr. K. K. Pant, India
Dr. Ashok Kumar, USA
Dr. Rajiv Awasthi, India
Dr. Jayanta Kumar Bhattacharjee, India
Dr. Aram M. Petrosyan, Armenia
Dr. Fabrizio Ruggeri, Italy
Dr. Amba Datt Bhatt, India
Dr. Pandit Aniruddha B., Brazil
Dr. Inder Jeet Taneja, Brazil
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, India
Dr. S. Venkata Mohan, India
Dr. R. K. Baghel, India
Dr. Kemal Tutuncu, Turkey


JUET Research Journal of Science and Technology is a peer reviewed Journal which is published in one volume per year consisting of two issues. It aims to publish original research papers in all branches of Engineering, Science, Mathematics and Information Technology. The articles that address original research and reviews of both theoretical and experimental aspects are accepted for publication.

Submission of Manuscript

Submission of script implies that it has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (expect in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint), that its publication is approved by all authors; and further, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in English or in any other language, without the written consent from the Chief Editor. Manuscript (ms-word & pdf) written in English may be sent to the Executive Editor via email: or Editorial Office:
Instructions for Preparation of Manuscript
• Papers must be typed in double spaced in ‘Times New Roman’ with font size with ample margin on all side. The first page of the manuscript must contain (i) the title; (ii) names(s) and institutional affiliations
of the author(s) with address and email; (iii) brief abstract followed by 3-6 keywords.
• The paper must be divided into sections starting preferably with ‘Introduction’ and ending with ‘Conclusions’. The main sections should be numbered 1, 2 etc, the sub-sections 1.1, 1.2 etc, and further sub-sections (if necessary) 1.1a, 1.1b etc. All tables and figures must be numbered in Arabic numerals and should be quoted in numerals in the order of occurrence in the text. All photographs should be in JPG (300 dpi) format and graphs in TIFF (600 dpi) format. Figure captions, in order of sequence, should be provided at the end after reference.
• Reference should be cited in the text by Arabic numerals placed under capital bracket e.g. [1].
Use the following system for arranging the references:
For Journals
[1] A. B. Author, Title of journal article, Journal name, vol. (year ), pp. xxx-xxx.
For books/monographs
[2] A. B. Author, “Title of the book,”, xth ed., Country: Abbrev. of Publisher(year), ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx-xxx.
For conference proceedings, symposia etc.
[3] A. B. Author, “Title of paper,” Proc. Unabbreviated Name of Conf., City of Conf., Abbrev. State, Country, xxxx month, Abbrev. of Publisher(year), pp. xxx-xxx. Note: ‘A. B. Author’ represents the name of authors, more than one author may be separated by commas, Use et al. when more than three names are given.


Authors are requested to prepare the manuscript carefully before submitting it for publication to minimize corrections. Once the paper is accepted for publication, Galley proof will be sent to the author by email. The author should send it back with correction/clarifications, if any, by email.


A complimentary copy of the issue of journal containing article will be provided to the corresponding author. However, the authors can get reprints of their respective paper on payment.

Issues Published :

Volume 1 Number 1 - January 2014
Volume 1 Number 2 - July 2014
Volume 2 Number 1 - January 2015
Volume 2 Number 2 - July 2015
Volume 3 Number 1 - January 2016
Volume 3 Number 2 - July 2016
Volume 4 Number 1 - January 2017
Volume 4 Number 2 - July 2017

Editorial address:
Dr. Shishir Kumar
Professor & Head (CSE)
Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology,
Raghogarh, Guna (MP) India

Business address:
Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
22, Delhi Medical Association Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi - 110 002, INDIA
Tel.: +91 (011) 23243415-17
Fax: +91 (011) 23243225, 23258934


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