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JUET Research Journal of Science and Technology
Volume 4 Number 2

ISSN: 2321-6026
Publication Year: July 2017
Pages: 91 - 150

Diffusion of Innovation & Information Technology: An Empirical Study of E-Banking Services
- R.K.Kushwaha, Shilpa Rai, Md. Modassar and Md. Misbah
Abstract: E-Banking is more widely used in the last few years, e-commerce has emerged and has developed a high-level business environment that created millions of new job opportunities and lowered costs for SMEs and increased performance while saving time This paper provide a brief study of adoption of information technology and diffusion of Innovation in Indian banking industry. The analyses of important factors affecting e-banking services/products adopted by Indian banks are also investigated. The paper presents challenges and opportunities faced by Indian banks in perspective of diffusion of innovation & adoption of information technology.

Rainfall Threshold Analysis of Himalaya's Region using Matlab
- Shashank Tiwari and Dishi Agarwal

Abstract: Himalayas accommodate millions of people in northern India and in its subcontinents ranging from shortest length of 100 km to 2400 kms. This paper evaluates regional aspect of rainfall thresholds for the landslides in the Himalayas. As per the previous researches, approximately 677 landsides occurring from 1951 to 2006 were studied to analyze rainfall threshold. Out of the 677 landslides, however, only 193 with rainfall data were analyze to yield threshold relationship between rainfall intensity, rainfall duration and landslide initiation. Slope stability is the potential of soil or rock to withstand and undergo movements. Stability is determined by balancing of shear stress and shear strength. Due to various climatic factors or human induced factors slope become unstable. Soil has pores and rocks are fractured filled with air and water that causes slope unstability.
This research paper is based on Graphical Representation of Intensity-duration rainfall threshold analyses, based on duration followed by intensity. This paper explicitly determines the graphs of various regions of Himalayas generated by using MATLAB. When different outputs (landslide or no landslide) can be obtained for the same input a probabilistic approach is preferable.

Big Data Analytics Model for Business Intelligence - A qualitative study in Indian Market
- Ajitesh Kumar and Sanjai Kumar Gupta

Abstract: This proposed work “Big Data Analytics model for Business Intelligence” that was developed to Business analysis is a research discipline of identifying business needs and determining solutions to business problems. Although there are different role definitions, depending upon the organization, there does seem to be an area of common ground where most business analysts work. It focuses on ensur ing the changes made to an organization are aligned with its strategic goals. Stock research is important because taking the time to look over the financial history of the companies that one is thinking of investing in, will give the prospective buyer a better sense of the future. While no one can say with certainty that a stock will go up in value, taking the time to evaluate the past few years of the company’s growth can give some insight into the possibility. By reviewing the stock’s financial reports, one can make an educated decision whether the company is stable, growing and has an improving future.
Forecasting Volatility and Leverage: A Study of Various BSE Indices
- Vishal Sood, J. Tripathi and R.K. Kushwaha
: profvishal@aolin;;

Abstract: This study investigates the interrelationship among emerging trends in the indices, confirming volatility and leverage effect tested empirically using returns of time series data. The research is undertakes daily closing prices of BSE SENSEX, BSE100, BSE200 and BSE 500 for fifteen years period from 4th January 2000 to 31st December 2015. The study identifies and estimates the mean and variance components of variables using the returns on applying descriptive statistics and explaining the conditional volatility structure of the residuals obtained under the best suited mean models for the said series using ARCH lm test.
The analysis has undertaken using both symmetric and asymmetric models of Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH). Ther Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC) will infer that GARCH (1, 1) and TGARCH (1, 1) estimations are the most appropriate model to capture the symmetric and asymmetric volatility in the returns that are prevailing in the study. The research also provides evidence for the existence of a positive and insignificant risk premium in order to create hedging as per GARCH- M (1, 1) model. The asymmetric effect of leverage justifies negative shocks have long and significant effect on conditional variance i.e. volatility after applying EGARCH Model (1, 1) and TGARCH (1, 1) models.
Cost benefit Analysis of Training Programs in Indian Corporates
- Garima Sainger

Abstract: The present research paper relates to cost benefit analysis (CBA) of training and development program practiced by Indian corporates. The paper is based on a survey of nine organizations representing small and large manufacturing units. In the paper, the theoretical description about cost benefit analysis has been given in the beginning which has been supported by an illustration to explain the cost & benefits of a training program in monetary terms. Benefits cost ratios and return on investment (ROI) has been also computed in the paper. As computation of training cost and benefits suffers from certain limitations which create computation difficult and less reliable. In the paper these limitations have been indicated and suggestions have been given to overcome them. At the end of the paper survey findings have given, indicating how Indian companies’ measure training effectiveness of the training programs they have launched in the recent past. On the whole the research paper shall prove useful in evaluating the training programs so that companies could invest only on those programs which shows the positive benefit cost ratio with a reasonable ROI.

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