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Algebra: Set Theory, Natural Numbers and Graph Theory
Author(s): V. A. Hiremath
ISBN: 978-81-8487-724-3
No. of pages: 352
Publishing Year: 2022
Binding: Paper Back
Concepts of Modern Algebra: Groups
Author(s): S. K. Pandey
ISBN: 978-81-8487-706-9
No. of pages: 182
Publishing Year: 2024
Binding: Paper Back

Algebra and Analysis: Theory and Applications
Author(s): Noor Mohd. Khan
ISBN: 978-81-8487-516-4
No. of pages: 304
Publishing Year: 2016
Binding: Paper Back
Algebra and its Applications: Recent Developments
Editor(s): Afzal Beg, Mohammad Ashraf
ISBN: 978-81-8487-124-1
No. of pages: 184
Publishing Year: 2011
Binding: Hard Back
Algebra: Volume 1: Groups
Author(s): I. S. Luthar, I. B. S. Passi
ISBN: 978-81-7319-077-3
No. of pages: 280
Publishing Year: Reprint 2013
Binding: Paper Back
Algebra: Volume 2: Rings
Author(s): I. S. Luthar, I. B. S. Passi
ISBN: 978-81-7319-313-2
No. of pages: 349
Publishing Year: Reprint 2012
Binding: Paper Back
Algebra: Volume 3: Modules
Author(s): I. S. Luthar, I. B. S. Passi
ISBN: 978-81-7319-438-2
No. of pages: 354
Publishing Year: Reprint 2013
Binding: Paper Back
Algebra: Volume 4: Field Theory
Author(s): I. S. Luthar, I. B. S. Passi
ISBN: 978-81-7319-592-1
No. of pages: 310
Publishing Year: Reprint 2017
Binding: Paper Back
Algebraic Independence
Author(s): Yu. V. Nesterenko
ISBN: 978-81-7319-984-4
No. of pages: 160
Publishing Year: Reprint 2011
Binding: Paper Back
Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups, L-Functions and Automorphic Forms
Editor(s): T. N. Venkataramana
ISBN: 978-81-7319-421-4
No. of pages: 257
Publishing Year: 2001
Binding: Hard Back
Contemporary Abstract Algebra , Fourth Edition
Author(s): J. A. Gallian
ISBN: 978-81-7319-269-2
No. of pages: 650
Publishing Year: 1999
Binding: Paper Back
Elementary Linear Algebra , Third Edition
Author(s): Devi Prasad
ISBN: 978-81-8487-511-9
No. of pages: 208
Publishing Year: 2016
Binding: Paper Back
First Course in Abstract Algebra, A , Third Edition
Author(s): J. B. Fraleigh
ISBN: 978-81-85015-70-5
No. of pages: 500
Publishing Year: Reprint 2013
Binding: Paper Back
Introduction to Rings and Modules , Second Revised Edition
Author(s): C. Musili
ISBN: 978-81-7319-037-7
No. of pages: 200
Publishing Year: Reprint 2018
Binding: Paper Back
Lectures on Symmetries
Author(s): Pavinder Singh, Ajay Kumar
ISBN: 978-81-8487-709-0
No. of pages: 208
Publishing Year: 2020
Binding: Paper Back
Linear Algebra , Second Edition
Author(s): V. Sahai, V. Bist
ISBN: 978-81-8487-257-6
No. of pages: 264
Publishing Year: Reprint 2019
Binding: Paper Back
Linear Algebra Concepts and Applications
Author(s): Devendra Kumar
ISBN: 978-81-8487-150-0
No. of pages: 254
Publishing Year: 2012
Binding: Paper Back
Linear Algebra
Author(s): G. Hadley
ISBN: 978-81-85015-81-1
No. of pages: 300
Publishing Year: Reprint 2002
Binding: Paper Back
Modern Algebra and Applications
Author(s): V. K. Bhat
ISBN: 978-81-8487-328-3
No. of pages: 248
Publishing Year: 2014
Binding: Paper Back
Numerical Linear Algebra and its Applications
Author(s): Xiao-qing Jin, Yi-min Wei
ISBN: 978-1-84265-716-4
No. of pages: 186
Publishing Year: 2012
Binding: Hard Back
Topics in Products of Random Matrices (TIFR)
Author(s): A. Mukherjee
ISBN: 978-81-7319-297-5
No. of pages: 121
Publishing Year: 2000
Binding: Paper Back


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